Tuesday, August 26



just finish reading this novel by hlovate. sbnrnye ak ade test ni esok, petrologi igneous. tp smpt lg ngabiskn 1 novel ni. hehehe... realy2 interesting story. actually ak da bace cite ni kt blog hlovate. tajuk die Gt_i. but TUNAS is more 2 a complete version of the story. n smbungnnye pulak korg leh carik aA+bB. sbnrnye dlm blog die, Gt_i merangkumi dua2 cite ni, but in the novel version die wat seperation antare zmn skolah n zmn dewasa.

bile bace blk TUNAS ni ak tringat zmn skolah dl. full of sweet memories.. x byk tggjwb, x byk tekanan, x byk bebanan. yg kite tau study... kalo boring g la men bola ke.. g jamming k.. kaco org ke.. buli junior ke.. heh~.. unforgetfull memories.. trase nk blk smule ke zaman 2.. blasah junior.. lari sbb kene keja ngan ustat.. gado ngan staff ostel.. main bola smpai bola kene rmps ngan jiran sbb asyik msk umah die je.. pnjt bumbung ostel.. fly mlm g cc.. blk kul 4 pagi mlm merdeka.. gado ngan dak pompuan hostel sblh.. pecah msk mkml komp ostel.. buat sepah kt mkml bahase.. hahaha.. i really miss those days.. idup x yah pkr ape2.. n the moment i write this post i smile thinking bout the old days.. the day where i was called an ATUDISMANIAX!!! 5 taun yg ak mungkin xkn lupekn seumur hdp ak.. skrg atudismaniax 27th gen pn da bwk haluan memasing.. ade yg g oversea wat medic.. ade yg study kt politeknik.. n like me.. in the local IPTA. hope's that we will reunite again. it's just the matter of time that seperating us. kene tggu bbdk rusia 2 blk dl r nk wat reunion.. lg 4 taun kot.. mase 2 pn memasing da keje gaknye..

missing those old days.. like wanna to stop the clock n rewind the time..


  1. ayat2 cinta nye novel jauh lg best kan dr die punye movie...movie cam mengarut jer..huhu

  2. setuju..
    fahri n aisha dlm filem x setanding dgn novelnye.
    mcm langit ngan bumi.


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